Open Joint Stock Company “MZOR” (OJSC “MZOR”) is the only enterprise in the Republic of Belarus producing heavy multifunctional metal-cutting machines and CNC machining centers with different level of automation for processing of large-size parts with width up to 5 000 mm and length up to 30 000 mm.
Having more than 100 years of history of production of metalworking equipment and technological tooling, JSC “MZOR” has preserved its potential in the cluster of machine-tool building in the whole post-Soviet space.
List of equipment developed and manufactured at MZOR :
- gantry heavy longitudinal milling and boring machines with movable table or movable gantry;
- horizontal drilling, milling and boring machines with CNC and UASI;
- single-stand horizontal longitudinal milling and boring machines with movable stand or movable table, equipped with CNC and UASI systems;
- CNC and UASI vertical milling machines;
- longitudinal planing and planing and milling machines;
- special edging and edgebanding machines and edgebanding and milling machines;
- longitudinal grinding machines;
- chiseling machines;
- CNC lathe and carousel machines with automatic tool change;
- balancing machines of various degrees of automation;
- double-stamped peat briquette presses;
- wire-nail machines;
- special milling machines for machining internal and external joint reinforcements on pipe ends;
- special technological equipment designed and manufactured in accordance with the individual requirements of a particular Customer.
Scientific, design, technological and production components of the full cycle allow MZOR OJSC to offer the Customer not just machine tools, but complexes, which include: machine, fixture, tool, technological and software, as well as engineering and service support of the supplied equipment.
The company’s products meet the world quality standards, which is confirmed by the certified and functioning integrated quality management system, environmental management system and labor protection management system developed by the specialists of MZOR OJSC.
Machine tools manufactured by MZOR OJSC are successfully operated at the largest enterprises of various industries both in the Republic of Belarus and abroad.
Along with manufacturing of metal-cutting machine tools, the company is engaged in overhaul and modernization of technological equipment both of its own production and other manufacturers, including foreign ones; provides metalworking services. JSC “MZOR” is a reliable partner in all directions of its activity. We are open to any forms of mutually beneficial cooperation.
Минск, ул. Ленина, 46
+375(17) 224 59 22
If you have any questions, you can contact us using the contact form below.