As a leader in the field of heavy engineering, the organization manufactures metalworking, balancing and press equipment, provides repair services for machine tool equipment in accordance with customer requirements, meeting legislative and other requirements and expectations of all stakeholders on product quality, occupational health and safety and environmental protection.
The top management of JSC “MZOR” realizing the responsibility for life and health of employees of the organization, preservation of favorable environment, rational use of natural resources, caring about customer satisfaction with the quality of products, understanding that the main factor of success in the market economy, preservation and increase in sales is the quality of products and all activities, has defined a policy in the field of quality (Policy).
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Quality policy is one of the elements of planning the business processes of an organization and is used by top management as a means of managing the organization to improve its performance:
- To support functioning and development, continuous improvement of the integrated management system at the level of requirements of STB ISO 9001 – 2015 and STB ISO 45001 – 2020, providing it with necessary resources with application of risk-oriented approach in the process of IMS functioning;
- Motivate the aspiration of all workers, specialists, managers of the enterprise to improve the quality of products, constantly organize work to study the requirements and satisfaction of customers to the quality of manufacturing of machine tool equipment;
- Continuously improve the scientific and technical level of manufactured products and all works performed by using the potential of employees and their timely professional development, studying analogues of world manufacturers, effective application of modern solutions and rationalization proposals in the development of technical documentation;
- Ensure compliance with legislative and other mandatory requirements in the field of product quality, occupational health and safety and environmental protection;
- Continuously improve working conditions at workplaces, carry out work to prevent, identify and eliminate workplace hazards, assess associated risks, carry out risk mitigation and control measures, carry out measures to prevent workplace accidents and occupational diseases;
- Provide resources to support the implementation of this Policy.
To implement the Policy, the top management undertakes to demonstrate by personal example commitment to quality, to continuously improve the quality management system and increase its efficiency and effectiveness, to create conditions for innovation in production, to interest and involve the personnel of the organization in the continuous improvement of product quality.
On the basis of long-term goals and plans in JSC “MZOR” with the use of international experience the integrated quality management system is developed, documented, implemented, certified for compliance with the requirements of STB ISO 9001-2015, STB ISO 45001 – 2020, which is maintained in working condition and developed as a means of ensuring the implementation of the Policy adopted by the top management, achievement of the set goals in the field of quality.
Compliance of the quality management system with modern standards is regularly checked and confirmed by authorized bodies.
In 2006 MZOR OJSC was one of the first enterprises in the Republic of Belarus to receive the “Certificate of Conformity” to the requirements of STB ISO 9001. It is originally an international standard approved in our country as a national standard. Since then, the international standard of ISO 9000 series has been improved several times, every 3 years the organization confirmed the compliance of the current quality management system:
– in June 2009 the quality management system was certified for compliance with the requirements of international standard ISO 9001:2008 (in NORM TEST LLC – representative of the technical supervision company TUV Thuringen e.V. in the Republic of Belarus).
– in 2012 MZOR OJSC successfully passed the certification of the integrated management system, which has been functioning effectively to date.
– in July 2015, MZOR OJSC passed re-certification of the integrated management system (quality management system, occupational health and safety management system and environmental management system) in the national certification body GUO “Personnel Industry” and international certification organization “TUV Thuringen e.V.”.
– in 2018 JSC MZOR passed certification for compliance with the requirements of STB ISO 9001-2015; STB ISO 14001-2017; STB 18001-2009.
– the body for certification of management systems of GUO “Personnel of Industry” certified the quality management system for design, production, repair, modernization of machine tools and provision of services for manufacturing of metal products for compliance with the requirements of STB ISO 9001-2015. Certificate of Conformity No. BY/112 05.01.092 07057 was issued with validity period till 07.08.2021.
in 2021 the management system certification body Expert Certificate LLC certified the quality management system for design, production, repair, modernization of machine tools and provision of services for metal products manufacturing for compliance with the requirements of STB ISO 9001-2015. Certificate of Conformity NoBY/112 00029 with validity period till 17.08.2024 was issued.
in 2021 the management system certification body Expert Certificate LLC certified the health and safety management system for design, production, repair, modernization of machine tools, design, production of wooden models, provision of services for manufacturing of metal products, provision of storage (warehousing) services for compliance with the requirements of STB ISO 45001-2020. Certificate of Conformity No. BY/112 00047 with validity period till 24.01.2025 was issued.
The quality management system of the organization is developed using the “process approach” and is an integral part of the organization’s activity management, it covers all spheres of the organization’s activity: from market research and collection of information about consumers’ wishes and requirements to creation of products, their delivery and actions after delivery.
Each process of the quality management system has defined monitoring objects and calculated indicators of quality and efficiency of the process. This allows processes to be placed in a controlled environment and their performance and effectiveness to be evaluated. Based on the results of the evaluation of each process of the quality management system, senior management conducts a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness and efficiency of the quality management system.
The quality management system of MZOR OJSC has been developed and implemented for:
– Demonstrating the organization’s ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer requirements and applicable legal and other mandatory requirements;
– Creating opportunities to increase customer satisfaction;
– Consideration of risks and opportunities related to the context and objectives of the organization;
– ability to demonstrate compliance with the established requirements for the quality management system.
MZOR OJSC has a system approved and agreed by the Ministry of Industry in 2021 the Product Quality Improvement Program for 2021-2025 as amended in 2024:
Product Quality Improvement Program for 2021-2025, in ed. 2024 year
The program includes measures aimed at improving and enhancing both the quality of manufactured products and rendered services, indicative indicators have been established to define the goals of product quality and customer satisfaction:
Name of indicator | 2023 year. | values of the level of RB, CIS, CP | ||
2024 year. | 2025 year. | |||
3.1 Losses from marriage | thousand rubles. | 0,20 | 0,20 | |
% of cost | 0,00 | 0,00 | ||
3.2 Planned defect limits: | ||||
-metalworking machines | 1,0 | 1,0 | 1,0 | |
-parts and assemblies for third parties | 0,0 | 0,045 | 0,045 | |
Turning mechanisms for tractor BELARUS1502 | 0,286 | 0,257 | 0,244 | |
3.3Satisfaction with products (services), warranty and non-warranty service of main consumers (from 1 to 10) | 8,85 | 8,1 | 8,1 |
In order to implement the Quality Policy, the tasks set out in the Program shall be performed and the following activities shall be implemented:
- Development of a favorable legal environment that encourages the production of quality products;
- Implementation of modern requirements to the products, services, and management system of MZOR OJSC, corresponding to the new technological mode of the global economy;
- Dissemination and application in the organization of best practices in the field of quality management and efficient operation, formation of professional elite in these areas;
- Technical re-equipment of production through the introduction of the necessary latest technologies and equipment, development of the measuring and testing equipment base;
- Increasing the level of novelty of technologies and ensuring patent protection of new products;
- Improving the efficiency of material, raw materials and energy resources utilization in the production of products;
- Demonstration to consumers of the quality assessment of manufactured products through participation in competitions for achievements in the field of quality, exhibitions, presentations, publications in the mass media, Internet portals, etc.;
- Improvement of the service system, allowing to meet the expectations and needs of consumers in the shortest possible time.
Thus, the range of these sections allows to cover all areas of activities aimed at improving quality at the enterprise and, accordingly, determine the ways of creating products that bring JSC “MZOR”
In accordance with the approved by the Minister of Industry Plan of implementation of measures of the Republican Action Plan for the Year of Quality in 2024 and in order to expand the tasks and activities defined by the Program of improving the quality of products for 2021-2025 in the edition of 2024, JSC “MZOR” has developed and implements the Action Plan for the Year of Quality in 2024 (download).
Result of achieving the goals and approaches of MZOR OJSC continuous improvement of customer satisfaction and production of competitive products with high consumer properties:
In 2007 MZOR OJSC became the winner of the 2nd prize of the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Belarus in the field of quality.
In 2008 MZOR OJSC became a laureate in the following competitions:
– “The Best Goods of the Republic of Belarus”;
– “The best goods of the Republic of Belarus on the market of the Russian Federation”.
In 2009 the organization repeatedly became a laureate in the contest “The Best Goods of the Republic of Belarus”.
In 2011, once again, confirming the quality of products, MZOR OJSC became a laureate in competitions:
– “The Best Goods of the Republic of Belarus”;
– “The best goods of the Republic of Belarus on the market of the Russian Federation”.
In 2013, the organization was a winner in the following competitions:
– “Prize of the Government of the Republic of Belarus for achievements in the field of quality”;
– “The Best Goods of the Republic of Belarus”;
– “The best goods of the Republic of Belarus on the market of the Russian Federation”.
The high quality of MZOR’s products has been repeatedly recognized by awarding prizes:
– “Prize of the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Belarus in the field of quality”;
– “The Best Goods of the Republic of Belarus”;
– “The best goods of the Republic of Belarus on the market of the Russian Federation”;
– “Prize of the Government of the Republic of Belarus for achievements in the field of quality”.
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+375(17) 224 59 22
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